Frequently asked questions

This is where our most asked questions are. It goes from some questions from our logos and project, to some silly stuff.

We'll get this section updated in case that we're missing some obvious info. If you got some suggestions to add here, please let us know on our telegram group.

Our project
  • help_outlineQ: What's CerberusOS?

    A: In Greek mythology, Cerberus, often called the "hound of Hades", is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving.

The ROM and support
  • help_outlineQ: What's the list of devices that you officially support?

    A: Our supported devices are on the download part on this site. Feel free to check it out.

  • help_outlineQ: My device isn't on the list. Can you add it? Can you support x device?

    A: If your device isn't here but there are builds for it, then, those are Unshishufied builds (unofficial). We add devices if device maintainers applies for it. Check the question about it. And if we don't have a maintainer for such device, we can't support it, unfortunately.

  • help_outlineQ: How can i apply for maintainership?

    A: Feel free to fill this form. We'll take care of the rest.

  • help_outlineQ: I got some feature/fix. Do you have gerrit or some way to send my commits through your way?

    A: Unfortunately we don't have gerrit but you can send Pull requests on our github. We'll test and if it's all good and it isn't clutter, we'll surely merge it.